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Te Hikoi Southern Journey

Bringing the South Coast's history alive

The South's ultimate heritage attraction, just 25 minutes from Invercargill on the Southern Scenic Route.

Begin your voyage on board our sailing ship theatre. Relive memorable episodes from our rich bi-cultural past, set where the wild South Coast cuts deep into the Roaring Forties.

Take an interactive journey through Te Hikoi, featuring authentic displays, adventurous characters and engaging stories. These reveal how our Maori and European ancestors adapted to survive on nature's edge.

Gain insight into the seasonal lifestyle of early Maori, the privation of early sealers and the perilous adventures of shore whalers who forged and enduring peace with Maori through intermarriage and enterprise.

Stunning 16 minute movie * Interactive displays * DON'T miss it!

Information Centre: Agents for Real Journeys, accommodation and activities, retail and cafeteria.

Opening Hours: 10am to 5pm daily (admission charges apply)
Genealogy Research -- Giftshop
address 172 Palmerston Street, Riverton
phone 03234 8260
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